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ChipFind electronic components search
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Component Search

Specify the component name, minimum 4 characters, for example "max232". You can specify several components at once by listing them separated by commas. You can also click on the gray arrow symbol, and the search window will become multiline, allowing you to search for up to 10 components at a time, one per line.

Our system is geographically dependent. It determines your location and tries to show suppliers with offices or stores in your city first and only then all other offers. Companies are also sorted by the freshness of data, i.e., recently updated price lists will be displayed higher in the search results.

You can choose the most convenient design for displaying results. You can use the old style of display (Classic), which ChipFind has adhered to since 2006. Or you can use the new modern style with filters and sorting by prices and availability in stock. The new style offers a range of additional sorting and filtering options for search results. Simply click on the link in the upper right corner of the page, opposite the search query field.

Check the necessary filters when searching for an exact match, availability in stock, and pricing availability. Our system automatically takes into account a number of parameters. For example, when searching for an exact match, punctuation marks are not taken into account, so both "MAX-232" and "MAX 232" will be found. With the price filter, spam with prices of 0.01 will be filtered out.

If the search results contain more than 20 rows, additional filters will be displayed in the left column: by name, manufacturer, supplier city. By clicking on them, you will immediately get a filtered result. You can check any number of checkboxes.

You can sort the results by price or availability in stock. To do this, click on the desired table header. Our system sorts the data "conveniently," i.e., when sorting by price, all rows with prices will be displayed first, and only then offers without prices.


Creating and Sending Requests

Send requests to suppliers directly from our website. To compose a request, simply check the offers that interest you. Moreover, you can continue searching for components and only send requests to all suppliers at the very end. Thus, if you have found 5 different components from one supplier, they will receive one email, not 5 separate ones, which will be convenient for the company's manager to respond to.

By checking the checkbox, you put the component into the "request basket". The widget with the number of components will always be present at the bottom of the page. By clicking the "Send Request" button, you will go to the request composition page. On this page, you can specify the required modification of the component, quantity, additional comments.

Also, on the request page, the contact information of all companies whose offers you have selected will be displayed below. If you do not want to send an email request but want to personally call all the companies - the table at the bottom will help you do this quickly, without spending time searching for the contact details of each company.


Supplier Icon Meanings

Most of our suppliers have status icons next to the names of their companies. What is it and what is it for? The presence of icons allows you to quickly understand the status of the supplier, as well as determine how up-to-date the warehouse information is for this supplier.

  •  and - Fresh warehouse information. This supplier has recently uploaded their warehouse file, so the information displayed is the most up-to-date at the moment.
  • - The supplier provides an online warehouse on their website. The information is most up-to-date, but spam from dishonest suppliers is possible.
  • - A badge indicating how many years this company has been a participant in our search system. If the company is an old participant, it is more likely to be trusted, as it is not a "fly-by-night" firm. Conversely, new and fresh participants often work faster and deliver goods at lower prices because they need to break into a new market. It's up to you to choose who you prefer to deal with.
  • - This supplier has a gold member status.
  • - This supplier has a silver member status.
  • - Buyer's choice. According to our surveys of regular users of the search system, this warehouse has earned their sympathy and the trust of buyers.
  • - This badge is given only to those companies that are trusted by the creators of ChipFind. This badge is not for sale and is not assigned to any company. We only give it to those companies that we have known for a long time and that deserve our trust.
  • - These companies, in our opinion, keep their warehouse database information up-to-date. We strive to regularly verify this information.


How to add your information to the search?

If you want to become a participant in the ChipFind search system, it's very easy to do so. Moreover, under certain simple conditions, it's completely free. To begin with, simply register on our website. The registration link is available on any page in the top right corner. During registration, be sure to fill out the company profile. Your contact information will be displayed in the search results. Please provide correct and as complete information as possible. The easier it is to contact you, the fewer potential buyers you will miss.

After registration, go to the "Price List Upload" section. There you can upload a file in Microsoft Excel or CSV text format. The layout and format of the columns in the file can be any.

For more detailed information, you can refer to our documentation on warehouse registration.

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