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Cross-references «cy7c1352f»

Components: 22 (0.02 sec.)
PartNo Type Analog Information source
Cypress CY7C1352F AS7C33256NTD18B Alliance Alliance
Cypress CY7C1352F-100AC GS840Z18AT-100 GSI GSI
MT55L256V18P1T-10 Micron Micron
Cypress CY7C1352F-100AXC GS840Z18AGT-100 GSI GSI
Cypress CY7C1352F-100BGC GS840Z18AB-100 GSI GSI
MT55L256V18P1B-10 Micron Micron
Cypress CY7C1352F-100BGXC GS840Z18AGB-100 GSI GSI
Cypress CY7C1352F-133AC GS840Z18AT-150 GSI GSI
MT55L256V18P1T-7.5 Micron Micron
Cypress CY7C1352F-133AXC GS840Z18AGT-150 GSI GSI
Cypress CY7C1352F-133BGC GS840Z18AB-150 GSI GSI
MT55L256V18P1B-7.5 Micron Micron
Cypress CY7C1352F-133BGXC GS840Z18AGB-150 GSI GSI
Cypress CY7C1352F-166AC GS840Z18AT-166 GSI GSI
MT55L256V18P1T-6 Micron Micron
Cypress CY7C1352F-166AXC GS840Z18AGT-166 GSI GSI
Cypress CY7C1352F-166BGC GS840Z18AB-166 GSI GSI
MT55L256V18P1B-6 Micron Micron
Cypress CY7C1352F-166BGXC GS840Z18AGB-166 GSI GSI
Cypress CY7C1352F-100BZC MT55L256V18P1F-10 Micron Micron
Cypress CY7C1352F-166BZC MT55L256V18P1F-6 Micron Micron
Cypress CY7C1352F-133BZC MT55L256V18P1F-7.5 Micron Micron
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  CY7C1352F [Cypress]
4-Mbit (256Kx18) Pipelined SRAM with NoBL Architecture
Category: SRAM (8 Mb)
File: 13 pages, 292.39Kb

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