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Cross-references «V103»

Components: 19 (0.01 sec.)
PartNo Type Analog Information source
Nais AQV103 PS7122A-1A-A NEC CEL
6pin DIP, 1ch, Form A, High V, SSR, Pb-Free
PLA134 Clare Clare
Higher Load Current, Lower Resistance
Aromat AQV103 PVT312 IRF IRF
Microelectronic Relays
Panasonic AQV103 PS7141-1A NEC NEC
Nais AQV103A PS7122AL-1A-A NEC CEL
6pin DIP SMT, 1ch, Form A, High V, SSR, Pb-Free
Nais AQV103AX PS7122AL-1A-E3-A NEC CEL
6pin DIP SMT, 1ch, Form A, High V, SSR, Pb-Free
Nais AQV103AZ PS7122AL-1A-E3-A NEC CEL
6pin DIP SMT, 1ch, Form A, High V, SSR, Pb-Free
BAV103 CLL2003 Central Central
SMD Switching Diode Single: High Voltage
BAV21W Diodes Diodes
Philips BLV103 CBSL6 ASIX Advanced Semiconductor
Philips BYV10-30 SB130 Diodes Diodes
SR130 Rectron Rectron
Pan Jit BAV103 CLL2003 Central Pan Jit
Renesas HRV103A BAS3010A-03W Infineon Infineon
Schottky Diode
Renesas HRV103B BAS3010B-03W Infineon Infineon
Schottky Diode
SB130 BYV10-30 Diotec
SMS130 TMBYV10-30 Diotec
TMBYV10-30 B130 Diodes Diodes
M5818 Weitron Weitron
- Pin-to-Pin Replacement
- Compatible Equivalent
- Functional Equivalent
- Possible Analog
Highlight matches
  V103 [ICST]
Triple 10-bit Lvds Transmitter For Video
Note: RoHS
File: 11 pages, 162.92Kb

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