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Cross-references «SC111»

Components: 11 (0.25 sec.)
PartNo Type Analog Information source
UNKNOWN 2SC1110 BD243C STMicroelectronics STMicroelectronics
Transistors, Power Bipolar - Low - Medium Voltage
Sanken 2SC1111 BUX10 STMicroelectronics STMicroelectronics
Transistors, Power Bipolar - Low - Medium Voltage
Sanken 2SC1115 BUX10 STMicroelectronics STMicroelectronics
Transistors, Power Bipolar - Low - Medium Voltage
Monolithic Power Systems SC1110 MAX1917 MAXIM MAXIM
Tracking, Sinking and Sourcing, Synchronous Buck Controller for DDR Memory and Termination Supplies
Semtech SC1117 MIC3910x Micrel Micrel
MIC3910x has improved dropout performance and smaller package options.
Semtech SC1117CM SPX1117T Sipex Sipex
800mA NPN Low Dropout Voltage Regulator
Semtech SC1117CM-3.3 SPX1117T-3.3 Sipex Sipex
800mA NPN Low Dropout Voltage Regulator
Semtech SC1117CST SPX1117M3 Sipex Sipex
800mA NPN Low Dropout Voltage Regulator
Low Drop-Out (LDO) Linear Regulators
Semtech SC1117CST-3.3 SPX1117M3-3.3 Sipex Sipex
800mA NPN Low Dropout Voltage Regulator
Low Drop-Out (LDO) Linear Regulators
- Pin-to-Pin Replacement
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