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Cross-references «544AA»

Components: 4 (0.01 sec.)
PartNo Type Analog Information source
Vishay LH1544AAC PS7122AL-2A-A NEC CEL
8pin DIP, 2ch, Form A, High V, SSR, Pb-Free
8pin DIP, 2ch, Form A, High V, SSR, Pb-Free
Vishay LH1544AACTR PS7122L-2A-E3-A NEC CEL
8pin DIP, 2ch, Form A, High V, SSR, Pb-Free
Vishay LH1544AAC-TR PS7122AL-2A-E3-A NEC CEL
8pin DIP SMT, 2ch, Form A, High V, SSR, Pb-Free
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