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Cross-references «82c37»

Components: 72 (0.06 sec.)
PartNo Type Analog Information source
OKI MSM82C37B-5VJS CS82C37A96 Intersil Intersil
CMOS High Performance Programmable DMA Controller
CS82C37A96 Intersil Intersil
CMOS High Performance Programmable DMA Controller
INTEL P82C37A-5 CP82C37A-5 Intersil Intersil
CMOS High Performance Programmable DMA Controller
Intersil CS82C37A-1296 UPD71037LM-10 NEC Intersil
OKI MSM82C37B-5 uPD8237-5 NEC OKI
Intersil CP82C37A-5 UPD8237AC-5 NEC Intersil
UPD8237AD-5 NEC Intersil
UPD8257-2C NEC Intersil
UPD8257-2D NEC Intersil
UPD8257-5C NEC Intersil
UPD8257-5D NEC Intersil
UPD8257C NEC Intersil
UPD8257D-2 NEC Intersil
UPD8257D-5 NEC Intersil
Intersil MD82C37A/B UPD8237AD-5 NEC Intersil
UPD8257-2C NEC Intersil
UPD8257-2D NEC Intersil
UPD8257-5C NEC Intersil
UPD8257-5D NEC Intersil
UPD8257C NEC Intersil
UPD8257D-2 NEC Intersil
UPD8257D-5 NEC Intersil
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  82C37 [OKI]
Programmable Dma Controller
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