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Cross-references «24C02C»

Components: 59 (0.01 sec.)
PartNo Type Analog Information source
Microchip 24C02CT-I/MSG IS24C02A-2SLI-TR ISSI
2Kbit, I2C serial EEPROM, 1.8V to 5.5V, MSOP-8, RoHS Compliant, -40C to +85C, Tape & Reel
Microchip 24C02CT-I/SN IS24C02B-2GI-TR ISSI
2Kbit, I2C serial EEPROM, 1.8V to 5.5V, SOIC-8, -40C to +85C, Tape & Reel
Microchip 24C02CT-I/SNG IS24C02B-2GLI-TR ISSI
2Kbit, I2C serial EEPROM, 1.8V to 5.5V, SOIC-8, RoHS Compliant, -40C to +85C, Tape & Reel
Microchip 24C02CT-I/ST IS24C02B-2ZI-TR ISSI
2Kbit, I2C serial EEPROM, 1.8V to 5.5V, TSSOP-8, -40C to +85C, Tape & Reel
Microchip 24C02CT-I/STG IS24C02B-2ZLI-TR ISSI
2Kbit, I2C serial EEPROM, 1.8V to 5.5V, TSSOP-8, RoHS Compliant, -40C to +85C, Tape & Reel
STMicroelectronics ST24C02CB1 CAT24WC02P Catalyst Catalyst
Catalyst does not support Multibyte option specified by STMicroelectronics when the Mode pin is conn
STMicroelectronics ST24C02CB6 CAT24WC02PI Catalyst Catalyst
Catalyst does not support Multibyte option specified by STMicroelectronics when the Mode pin is conn
STMicroelectronics ST24C02CM1 CAT24WC02J Catalyst Catalyst
Catalyst does not support Multibyte option specified by STMicroelectronics when the Mode pin is conn
STMicroelectronics ST24C02CM6 CAT24WC02JI Catalyst Catalyst
Catalyst does not support Multibyte option specified by STMicroelectronics when the Mode pin is conn
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Highlight matches
  24C02C [Microchip]
2K 5.0V I2CTM Serial EEPROM
Category: EEPROM (Serial)
File: 13 pages, 190.41Kb

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