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Shenzhen Fuxinwei Semiconductor Co., Ltd

Shenzhen Fuxinwei Semiconductor Co., Ltd


Shenzhen Fuxinwei Semiconductor Co., Ltd. is an enterprise specializing in selling all kinds of electronic components. The company is headquartered in Huaqiang North, a famous e-commerce center in China. Good reputation, low price and fast delivery make us stand out in the same industry and win the trust and support of many customers. Our business covers all over the world. Your demand is our pursuit. We sincerely hope that we can be your gateway to China market. If you are interested in establishing friendship with us, please feel free to contact us!

Quality assurance: We know that it is very important to provide high-quality parts in order to establish a long-term customer relationship. We have strict requirements on the quality of parts, so we should check them carefully before shipment. Expect to improve customers' confidence and understanding of our company.
Competitive price: We have professional buyers and reliable supply, which can provide a win-win price. We believe that reliable supply and competitive price are the pursuit of all customers.
Fast delivery time: We know that delivery time is very important to the transaction. We will send the parts to our customers as soon as we receive the order.
Warranty period: We will provide appropriate quality warranty period for the parts sold, so that customers can buy and use with confidence.
Quality service: whether you are consulting or ordering, we will always give you high attention and quality service, and do our best to support you.

Specialization: IC, diode, transistor, connector, capacitor, oscillator, resistor, LED, ETC.

Line-card: Xilinx, Altera, Atmel, TI, Maxim, AD, NXP, Micron, ON, Vishay, AVX, TDK, ST, Samsung, Toshiba, Nichicon, ETC.

Regions: 1902, Dongmeixi Lake Innovation Center, Luyun Road, Yuelu District, Changsha City, Hunan Province

Minimal RFQ: no requirement

  • China,
    Room 1902, Dongmeixi Lake Innovation Center, Luyun Road, Yuelu District, Block A, office Room 801
    Phone: (86) 13510078982, Fax: (0755) 23603850
    E-mail: cai@fuxinwei.com
Visits this card: 73
Visits the company web-site: 11

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