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Search engine on warehouses of suppliers

Use convenient and free search on the largest base in Russia and CIS of electronic components suppliers. Currently, you can search on 3016 inventory stocks in Russia, Ukraine, USA, China, Germany etc.
How to search?
Specify the component name (Part Number), a minimum 4 symbols, for example «max232». You can specify several components at once by listing them separated by comma. You can also click on the gray arrow symbol and a search box will be a multi-line that allows you to search up to 10 components at once, one per line.
Note the necessary filters in search for exact search, only in-stock and only with prices. Our system automatically considers a number of parameters. For example, if you search for an exact match, don't count punctuation, so it will be found both «MAX-232» and «MAX 232». With the filter «only with prices» spam with the prices 0.01 will be eliminated.

If search results include more than 20 rows, then in the left column you will see an additional filter: by name, producer, supplier's town. Clicking on it you will immediately receive the filtered result. You can mark any number of ticks.

Request to suppliers
In search results, opposite to each component, there is a tick for the request to suppliers. Tick and fold components in the «Cart». You can note any number of partnames from different search results. By clicking on the button "Send request" you will get to the page with a request table. Each supplier will receive request-letter, containing all the marked items. You can specify the required number, producer and year of release of component.
Interface Settings
You can remove unnecessary information blocks. For this move the cursor to a block, in the right corner there will be a button with a dagger. By clicking on it you will hide the extra information on the page. Return it possible on the settings page at any moment.

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Suppliers & Distributors catalog
Our catalog contains all contact information and descriptions of our companies. This is more than 1000 suppliers from USA, China, Europe, Russia and Ukraine.
«Quick bulk request!»
Send your request immediately 500 suppliers! Find the best price!

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