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Supplier Search Engine

First and foremost, ChipFind is a convenient search system for warehouses of electronic components suppliers. You enter the desired name in the search bar and receive offers from more than 350 companies. This is the largest database of electronic components suppliers in Russia! Approximately over 50,000,000 items are available!

Datasheet Archive

At present, we have the second-largest archive of documentation (datasheets) in the world. We have over 2.5 million files! We also have the world's only documentation database for domestic components (over 15,000). The majority of these documents were prepared by our team, and you won't find them anywhere else.

Cross-reference Catalogue

Our database contains the most comprehensive information on analogs from global and domestic manufacturers for over 200,000 components. The majority of this information is provided directly by the manufacturing plants. We have made every effort to include only the most reliable information in the database; unclear lists of names without additional information, such as manufacturer names or analog types, are not uploaded to the database. This database often proves invaluable in challenging situations, especially when a component is discontinued.

Message Board

One of the most visited sections of the website! Over 4000 people browse the board daily. The board contains messages related to the buying/selling of electronic components, vacuum tubes, electrical equipment, motors, measurement instruments, and soldering accessories. Several unique features enable users to quickly sell or purchase components on the market or from surplus stocks of enterprises.
Today on ChipFind
Suppliers in search3019
Documentation files329,3Gb
Ads per month6676

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