Search Results

  1. 511pa.com511PA

    The Pennsylvania Turnpike Northeast Extension (Interstate 476) is scheduled to be closed in both directions on Sunday April 21st from 12AM until 5AM between the Wyoming Valley Exit #115 and the Pocono Exit #95. The closure is required for bridge work and is weather permitting. Attention Travelers: The Welcome Center located on I-90 EB, east of ...

  2. 5П19А3 - Двунаправленное мощное МОП-реле 60В/2А. 5П19Б3 - Двунаправленное мощное МОП-реле 400В/0.7А. 6N135, 6N136 HIGH-SPEED 2.5 kV TRIOS OPTOCOUPLER. High CMR, High Speed TTL Compatible Optocouplers.

  3. Travel In PA. There is a lot to see and do in Pennsylvania, and many ways to get there. If you're hitting the road, visit to see traffic and travel conditions on state-owned roadways as well as the Pennsylvania Turnpike. On the 511PA travel map, you can also see the locations of rest facilities including Welcome Centers, Rest Areas ...

  4. микросхема 5П19А3 Предельно-допустимые режимы эксплуатации Параметр Обозн. Ед. изм. Мин. Макс. Примечание Коммутируемое напряжение uком В -60 60 - Коммутируемый ток iком А - 2 -

  5. 5П19А3 Author: Максим Шатунов Created Date: 5/21/2004 1:48:26 PM ...

  6. 5П19А3 - Двунаправленное реле с одной парой контактов; 5П19Б1 - Двунаправленное реле с одной парой контактов; 5П19Б3 - Двунаправленное реле с одной парой контактов; 5П20А1 - Реле постоянного тока