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Cross-references «k7a163201a»

Components: 19 (0.01 sec.)
PartNo Type Analog Information source
Samsung K7A163201A IS61LPD51236A ISSI
Synchronous SRAM
Samsung K7A163201A-FC14 GS8161E32BD-150 GSI GSI
Samsung K7A163201A-FC15 GS8161E32BD-150 GSI GSI
Samsung K7A163201A-FC16 GS8161E32BD-200 GSI GSI
Samsung K7A163201A-FC20 GS8161E32BD-200 GSI GSI
Samsung K7A163201A-FC22 GS8161E32BD-250 GSI GSI
Samsung K7A163201A-FC25 GS8161E32BD-250 GSI GSI
Samsung K7A163201A-HC14 GS816232BB-150 GSI GSI
Samsung K7A163201A-HC15 GS816232BB-150 GSI GSI
Samsung K7A163201A-HC16 GS816232BB-200 GSI GSI
Samsung K7A163201A-HC20 GS816232BB-200 GSI GSI
Samsung K7A163201A-HC22 GS816232BB-250 GSI GSI
Samsung K7A163201A-HC25 GS816232BB-250 GSI GSI
Samsung K7A163201A-QC14 GS8160E32BT-150 GSI GSI
Samsung K7A163201A-QC15 GS8160E32BT-150 GSI GSI
Samsung K7A163201A-QC16 GS8160E32BT-200 GSI GSI
Samsung K7A163201A-QC20 GS8160E32BT-200 GSI GSI
Samsung K7A163201A-QC22 GS8160E32BT-250 GSI GSI
Samsung K7A163201A-QC25 GS8160E32BT-250 GSI GSI
- Pin-to-Pin Replacement
- Compatible Equivalent
- Functional Equivalent
- Possible Analog
Highlight matches
  K7A163201A [Samsung]
512Kx36 / x32 & 1Mx18-Bit Synchronous Pipelined Burst SRAM
Category: Synchronous SRAM (16 Mb)
File: 18 pages, 247.75Kb

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