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Cross-references «ZMM1»

Components: 68 (0.01 sec.)
PartNo Type Analog Information source
ZMM10 BZT52C10 Diodes Diodes
LL5240/A/B Diotec
LL758/A Diotec
TMM5240B Diotec
TZMC10 Diotec
ZM4740A Diotec
ZMM5240/A/B Diotec
ZMM10B ZMM10 2% Diotec
ZMM10 2% Diotec
ZMM11 BZT52C11 Diodes Diodes
BZT55C11 Diotec
BZV55C11 Diotec
LL5241/A/B Diotec
TMM5241B Diotec
TZMC Diotec
ZM4741A Diotec
ZMM5241/A/B Diotec
ZMM11B ZMM11 2% Diotec
ZMM11 2% Diotec
ZMM12 BZT52C12 Diodes Diodes
BZT55C12 Diotec
BZV55 Diotec
LL5242/A/B Diotec
LL759/A Diotec
TMM5242B Diotec
ZM4742A Diotec
ZMM5242/A/B Diotec
ZMM12B ZMM12 2% Diotec
ZMM12 2% Diotec
ZMM13 BZT52C13 Diodes Diodes
BZT55C13 Diotec
BZV55C Diotec
LL5243/A/B Diotec
TMM5243B Diotec
TZMC13 Diotec
ZM4743A Diotec
ZMM5243/A/B Diotec
ZMM13B ZMM13 2% Diotec
ZMM13 2% Diotec
ZMM15 BZT52C15 Diodes Diodes
BZT55C15 Diotec
BZV55C15 Diotec
TMM5245B Diotec
TZMC15 Diotec
ZM4744A Diotec
ZMM5245/A/B Diotec
ZMM15B ZMM15 2% Diotec
ZMM15 2% Diotec
ZMM16 BZT52C16 Diodes Diodes
BZT55C16 Diotec
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- Compatible Equivalent
- Functional Equivalent
- Possible Analog
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