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Cross-references «P6KE47A»

Components: 10 (0.01 sec.)
PartNo Type Analog Information source
Diodes P6KE47A 1N6427 Diodes
1N6427A Diodes
BZW03C47 Diodes
BZW03-C47 Diodes
BZW06-40 Diodes
P6KE47 Diodes
P6KE47A 1N6122A Diotec
MCC P6KE47A P6KE47A Rectron Rectron
Motorola P6KE47A P6KE47A Rectron Rectron
Pan Jit P6KE47A P6KE47A Rectron Rectron
- Pin-to-Pin Replacement
- Compatible Equivalent
- Functional Equivalent
- Possible Analog
Highlight matches
  P6KE-47A [FCI]
File: 4 pages, 176.16Kb
P6KE47A [Diodes]
File: 4 pages, 72.27Kb
P6KE47A [ON Semiconductor]
File: 8 pages, 60.51Kb
P6KE47A [Motorola]
File: 7 pages, 85.33Kb
P6KE47A [STMicroelectronics]
File: 6 pages, 80.81Kb
P6KE47A [Fairchild]
File: 5 pages, 59.09Kb
P6KE47A [Fairchild]
File: 3 pages, 51.48Kb
P6KE47A [General Semiconductor]
File: 4 pages, 68.46Kb
P6KE47A [Vishay]
File: 0 pages, 0b
P6KE47A [Bytes]
File: 4 pages, 307.17Kb
P6KE47A [Comchip]
File: 4 pages, 105.89Kb
File: 4 pages, 1.36Mb
P6KE47A [Diotec]
File: 4 pages, 156.19Kb
File: 4 pages, 54.77Kb
P6KE47A [Fagor]
File: 6 pages, 87.19Kb
P6KE47A [Littelfuse]
File: 5 pages, 299.07Kb
File: 4 pages, 112.33Kb

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