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Cross-references «7717»

Components: 16 (0.02 sec.)
PartNo Type Analog Information source
AVX 2,7807717601e+014 104935 Erni AVX
646486-1 AMP AVX
AVX 6,180771763e+014 114467 Erni AVX
646476-1 AMP AVX
AVX 2,78077176e+014 646442-1 AMP AVX
933011 Erni AVX
Micrel MIC2777-17BM5 ISL88014IH5Z Intersil Intersil
5-Pin Voltage Supervisors with Adjustable Power-On Reset, Dual Voltage Monitoring or Watchdog Timer
OKI MSM7717-01GS-K W6811IS Winbond Winbond
Winbond W6811 has Four packages: 24-pin PDIP, SOG, SSOP,and TSSOP It can drive a 5V analog line (nee
OKI MSM7717-01GS-K) W6811IS Winbond Winbond
Winbond W6811 has Four packages: 24-pin PDIP, SOG, SSOP,and TSSOP It can drive a 5V analog line (nee
OKI MSM7717-01MS-K W6811IR Winbond Winbond
Winbond W6811 has Four packages: 24-pin PDIP, SOG, SSOP,and TSSOP It can drive a 5V analog line (nee
OKI MSM7717-02GS-K W6811IS Winbond Winbond
Winbond W6811 has Four packages: 24-pin PDIP, SOG, SSOP,and TSSOP It can drive a 5V analog line (nee
OKI MSM7717-02MS-K W6811IR Winbond Winbond
Winbond W6811 has Four packages: 24-pin PDIP, SOG, SSOP,and TSSOP It can drive a 5V analog line (nee
OKI MSM7717-03GS-K W6811IS Winbond Winbond
Winbond W6811 has Four packages: 24-pin PDIP, SOG, SSOP,and TSSOP It can drive a 5V analog line (nee
OKI MSM7717-03MS-K W6810IR Winbond Winbond
Winbond W6811 has Four packages: 24-pin PDIP, SOG, SSOP,and TSSOP It can drive a 5V analog line (nee
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