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Cross-references «65082»

Components: 19 (0.01 sec.)
PartNo Type Analog Information source
NEC uPD44165082F5-E60 71P72204-167 IDT NEC
CY7C1310AV18-167 Cypress NEC
HM66AQB8202-60 Renesas NEC
K7R160882B-FC16 Samsung NEC
MT54W2MH8B-6 Micron NEC
NEC uPD44165082F5-E50 71P72204-200 IDT NEC
HM66AQB8202-50 Renesas NEC
K7R160882B-FC20 Samsung NEC
MT54W2MH8B-5 Micron NEC
NEC uPD44165082F5-E75 CY7C1310AV18-133 Cypress NEC
HM66AQB8202-75 Renesas NEC
MT54W2MH8B-7.5 Micron NEC
Dale IMS-5SWD-65 0.82uH 1641-821K API Delevan API Delevan
NEC uPD44165082F5-E50-EQ1 GS8182Q08AD-200 GSI GSI
NEC uPD44165082F5-E50-EQ2 GS8182Q08AD-200 GSI GSI
NEC uPD44165082F5-E60-EQ1 GS8182Q08AD-167 GSI GSI
NEC uPD44165082F5-E60-EQ2 GS8182Q08AD-167 GSI GSI
NEC uPD44165082F5-E75-EQ1 GS8182Q08AD-133 GSI GSI
NEC uPD44165082F5-E75-EQ2 GS8182Q08AD-133 GSI GSI
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