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Cross-references «5M51»

Components: 10 (0.01 sec.)
PartNo Type Analog Information source
Gowanda 15M512J 1537-62J API Delevan API Delevan
Alpha AS3815M5-1.8 SPX5205M5-1.8 Sipex Sipex
150mA PNP LDO Voltage Regulator
Mitsubishi M5M51008 LP621024D AMICC AMIC
SRAM 128Kx8, low power
Renesas M5M51008D BS62LV1027  BSI
Mitsubishi M5M51008DVP-70H M68AF127BM70N6 STMicroelectronics STMicroelectronics
RAM for Flash MCP - SRAM, Low Power Asynchronous, 5V, M68AF
Mitsubishi M5M51008DVP-70HI M68AF127BM70N6 STMicroelectronics STMicroelectronics
RAM for Flash MCP - SRAM, Low Power Asynchronous, 5V, M68AF
ON Semiconductor MC78PC18NTR SPX5205M5-1.8 Sipex Sipex
150 mA Low-Noise LDO Voltage Regulator
Semtech SC5205-1.8CSK SPX5205M5-1.8 Sipex Sipex
150 mA Low-Noise LDO Voltage Regulator
Microchip TC1185-1.8CVT SPX5205M5-1.8 Sipex Sipex
150 mA Low-Noise LDO Voltage Regulator
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