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Cross-references «4736A»

Components: 26 (0.22 sec.)
PartNo Type Analog Information source
Diodes 1N4736A 1N4736 Diodes
1N4736B Leshan Radio Diodes
1N4736RL Diodes
1N5921B Diodes
BZV85C6V8 Diodes
BZV85-C6V8 Diodes
BZX85C6V8 Diodes
BZX85-C6V8 Diodes
BZX85C6V8RL ON Semiconductor Diodes
ZPY6.8 Diodes
1N4736ARL 1N4736A Diodes Diodes
1N4736A Diodes Diodes
Central 1N4736A BZX85C6V8 Central
DL4736A CLL4736A Central Central
SMD Zener Diode Single: Standard
SMAZ6V8 Diodes Diodes
GLL4736A CLL4736A Central Central
SMD Zener Diode Single: Standard
SMAZ6V8 Diodes Diodes
Central CMMZ4736A GZF6V8C Vishay Central
LL4736A SMAZ6V8 Diodes Diodes
Microsemi MLL4736A CLL4736A Central Central
SMD Zener Diode Single: Standard
SMAZ6V8 Diodes Diodes
SML4736A SMAZ6V8 Diodes Diodes
TM4736A CLL4736A Central Central
SMD Zener Diode Single: Standard
Diodes ZM4736A SMAZ6V8 Diodes Diodes
Diotec ZM4736A ZMM6.8
Diotec 1N4736A ZPY6.8
- Pin-to-Pin Replacement
- Compatible Equivalent
- Functional Equivalent
- Possible Analog
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