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Cross-references «SMC1»

Components: 428 (0.02 sec.)
PartNo Type Analog Information source
1.5SMC150CA SMCJ130CA Diodes Diodes
1.5SMC15A SMCJ13A Diodes Diodes
ON Semiconductor 1.5SMC15AT3 SM15T15A STMicroelectronics STMicroelectronics
TVS Clamping Diodes - 1500W Transil
SMCJ13A Diodes Diodes
1.5SMCJ13A Pan Jit Pan Jit
1.5SMC15CA SMCJ13CA Diodes Diodes
1.5SMC160A SMCJ130A Diodes Diodes
1.5SMC160CA SMCJ130CA Diodes Diodes
1.5SMC16A SMCJ14A Diodes Diodes
ON Semiconductor 1.5SMC16AT3 SM15T15A STMicroelectronics STMicroelectronics
TVS Clamping Diodes - 1500W Transil
SMCJ14A Diodes Diodes
1.5SMCJ14A Pan Jit Pan Jit
1.5SMC16CA SMCJ14CA Diodes Diodes
1.5SMC170A SMCJ150A Diodes Diodes
1.5SMC170CA SMCJ150CA Diodes Diodes
1.5SMC180A SMCJ150A Diodes Diodes
1.5SMC180CA SMCJ150CA Diodes Diodes
1.5SMC18A SMCJ15A Diodes Diodes
ON Semiconductor 1.5SMC18AT3 SM15T18A STMicroelectronics STMicroelectronics
TVS Clamping Diodes - 1500W Transil
SMCJ15A Diodes Diodes
1.5SMCJ15A Pan Jit Pan Jit
1.5SMC18CA SMCJ15CA Diodes Diodes
15SMC100A SMCJ100A Diotec
15SMC100CA SMCJ100CA Diotec
15SMC10A SMCJ10A Diotec
15SMC10CA SM15T12CA Diotec
SMCJ10CA Diotec
15SMC12A SMCJ12A Diotec
15SMC12CA SMCJ12CA Diotec
15SMC130A SMCJ130A Diotec
SM15T150A Diotec
TSC 15SMC130C SM15T150C Diotec
15SMC130CA SM15T150CA Diotec
SMCJ130CA Diotec
15SMC13A SMCJ13A Diotec
1.5SMC15A Diotec
SM15T15A Diotec
1.5SMC15A Diotec
TSC 15SMC13C SM15T15C Diotec
15SMC13CA SMCJ13CA Diotec
1.5SMC15CA Diotec
SM15T15CA Diotec
1.5SMC15CA Diotec
TSC 15SMC15 1.5SMCJ15 Diotec
15SMC15A 1.5SMC18A Diotec
SMCJ15A Diotec
1.5SMC18A Diotec
15SMC15CA 1.5SMC18CA Diotec
SMCJ15CA Diotec
1.5SMC18CA Diotec
- Pin-to-Pin Replacement
- Compatible Equivalent
- Functional Equivalent
- Possible Analog
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