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Cross-references «190»

Components: 627 (0.02 sec.)
PartNo Type Analog Information source
ON Semiconductor MJE5190 TIP31C STMicroelectronics STMicroelectronics
Transistors, Power Bipolar - Low - Medium Voltage
IRF IRLMS1902 MMBF2201NT1 ON Semiconductor IRF
Diodes SB190 MSG109 Diodes
MSG190 SB190 Diodes Diodes
MSP190 SB190 Diodes Diodes
GSI GS840Z36AB-190 * MT55L128L32F1B-10 Micron GSI
MT55L128V32F1B-10 Micron GSI
GSI GS840Z36AT-190 * MT55L128L32F1T-10 Micron GSI
MT55L128V32F1T-10 Micron GSI
GSI GS840Z36AB-190 MT55L128L36F1B-10 Micron GSI
MT55L128V36F1B-10 Micron GSI
GSI GS840Z36AT-190 MT55L128L36F1T-10 Micron GSI
MT55L128V36F1T-10 Micron GSI
GSI GS840Z18AB-190 MT55L256V18F1B-10 Micron GSI
GSI GS840Z18AT-190 MT55L256V18F1T-10 Micron GSI
GSI GS84032AB-190 MT58L128L32F1B-7.5 Micron GSI
MT58L128L32P1B-5 Micron GSI
MT58L128V32F1B-7.5 Micron GSI
MT58L128V32P1B-5 Micron GSI
GSI GS84032AT-190 MT58L128L32F1T-7.5 Micron GSI
MT58L128L32P1T-5 Micron GSI
MT58L128V32F1T-7.5 Micron GSI
MT58L128V32P1T-5 Micron GSI
GSI GS84036AB-190 MT58L128L36F1B-7.5 Micron GSI
MT58L128L36P1B-5 Micron GSI
MT58L128V36F1B-7.5 Micron GSI
MT58L128V36P1B-5 Micron GSI
GSI GS84036AT-190 MT58L128L36F1T-7.5 Micron GSI
MT58L128L36P1T-5 Micron GSI
MT58L128V36F1T-7.5 Micron GSI
MT58L128V36P1T-5 Micron GSI
GSI GS84018AB-190 MT58L256L18F1B-7.5 Micron GSI
MT58L256L18P1B-5 Micron GSI
MT58L256V18F1B-7.5 Micron GSI
MT58L256V18P1B-5 Micron GSI
GSI GS84018AT-190 MT58L256L18F1T-7.5 Micron GSI
MT58L256L18P1T-5 Micron GSI
MT58L256V18F1T-7.5 Micron GSI
MT58L256V18P1T-5 Micron GSI
IDT 72V70190TF MT89L80 Zarlink IDT
MT89L85 Zarlink IDT
Motorola MUR 190E UF4007 Central Central
Leaded Rectifier Ultra Fast
MUR190 UF1007 Diodes Diodes
Motorola MUR190E UF4007 Central Central
Leaded Rectifier Ultra Fast
National Semiconductor NSP5190 TIP31C STMicroelectronics STMicroelectronics
Transistors, Power Bipolar - Low - Medium Voltage
OM1905STM SHD52624 Sensitron Sensitron
Voltage Regulator
Sensitron SHD519023 OM1915NM Sensitron
Sensitron SHD519011 OM7629NM Sensitron
Sensitron SHD519012 OM7630NM Sensitron
Sensitron SHD519013 OM7631NM Sensitron
- Pin-to-Pin Replacement
- Compatible Equivalent
- Functional Equivalent
- Possible Analog
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