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W has been obtained Texas Instruments,  Analogdevices , Marvell, ON, Infineon, ST, NXP ,Avago 、PLUSE And other global well-known enterprises sales agents and distribution rights.
Products cover RF, isolation, interface, drive, signal processing five series, the company has a complete supply chain system, the company's products have been widely used in industrial control, power, instrumentation, communication network, power system, satellite navigation and many other fields.

Specialization: SHENZHEN WIN ELECTRONICS CO.,LTD in China,our company has been specialized in distribution of Electronic Components since 2015. Our strong brand: TI 、Microchip 、ST 、MAXIM 、ADI 、ON 、Infineon etc , with good quality and pretty competitive price.

  • China, ShenZhen
    Room 23G, Building A, Yilonghuating, Dafen Community, Buji Street, Longgang District, Shenzhen
    Phone: 13714696876, Fax: 0755-28509392
    E-mail: linna@ti-winchip.com
Visits this card: 53
Visits the company web-site: 5

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