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Integrated Circuits (ICs)  ·  I/O Expanders



ManufacturerMaxim Integrated Products
Harmful substancesRoHS   Lead-free
InterfaceI²C, SMBus
Number of I /O16
Interrupt OutputYes
Frequency - Clock400kHz
Voltage - Supply2 V ~ 5.5 V
Operating Temperature-40°C ~ 125°C
Package / Case24-TQFN Exposed Pad
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PhotoNameManufacturerTechnical parametersPrices (rub.)Buy
MAX7318ATG+TMAX7318ATG+TMaxim Integrated ProductsIC I/O EXPANDER I2C 16B 24TQFN
Interface: I²C, SMBus  ·  Number of I /O: 16  ·  Interrupt Output: Yes  ·  Frequency - Clock: 400kHz  ·  Voltage - Supply: 2 V ~ 5.5 V  ·  Operating Temperature: -40°C ~ 125°C  ·  Package / Case: 24-TQFN Exposed Pad  ·  Includes: POR
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MAX7318ATG+MAX7318ATG+Maxim Integrated ProductsIC I/O EXPANDER I2C 16B 24TQFN
Interface: I²C, SMBus  ·  Number of I /O: 16  ·  Interrupt Output: Yes  ·  Frequency - Clock: 400kHz  ·  Voltage - Supply: 2 V ~ 5.5 V  ·  Operating Temperature: -40°C ~ 125°C  ·  Package / Case: 24-TQFN Exposed Pad  ·  Includes: POR
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MAX7312ATG+Maxim Integrated ProductsIC I/O EXPANDER I2C 16B 24TQFN
Interface: I²C, SMBus  ·  Number of I /O: 16  ·  Interrupt Output: Yes  ·  Frequency - Clock: 400kHz  ·  Voltage - Supply: 2 V ~ 5.5 V  ·  Operating Temperature: -40°C ~ 125°C  ·  Package / Case: 24-TQFN Exposed Pad  ·  Includes: POR
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MAX7311ATG+MAX7311ATG+Maxim Integrated ProductsIC I/O EXPANDER I2C 16B 24TQFN
Interface: I²C, SMBus  ·  Number of I /O: 16  ·  Interrupt Output: Yes  ·  Frequency - Clock: 400kHz  ·  Voltage - Supply: 2 V ~ 5.5 V  ·  Operating Temperature: -40°C ~ 125°C  ·  Package / Case: 24-TQFN Exposed Pad  ·  Includes: POR
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MAX7312ATG+TMaxim Integrated ProductsIC I/O EXPANDER I2C 16B 24TQFN
Interface: I²C, SMBus  ·  Number of I /O: 16  ·  Interrupt Output: Yes  ·  Frequency - Clock: 400kHz  ·  Voltage - Supply: 2 V ~ 5.5 V  ·  Operating Temperature: -40°C ~ 125°C  ·  Package / Case: 24-TQFN Exposed Pad  ·  Includes: POR
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