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Cable Assemblies  ·  USB


17-200401 — CONN USB PATCH CORD 2M IP67

Harmful substancesRoHS   Lead-free
ConfigurationA Male to A Male (Circular Coupling)
Length6.56"" (2.00m)
StyleIndustrial Environments - IP67
Analogous by characteristics
PhotoNameManufacturerTechnical parametersPrices (rub.)Buy
17-200511ConecCONN USB PATCH CORD 2M IP67
Configuration: A Male to A Male (Circular Coupling)  ·  Length: 6.56"" (2.00m)  ·  Shielding: Shielded  ·  Style: Industrial Environments - IP67
from 10,46Additional information
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17-200261ConecCONN USB PATCH CORD 4.5M IP67
Configuration: A Male to A Male (Circular Coupling)  ·  Length: 14.76"" (4.50m)  ·  Shielding: Shielded  ·  Style: Industrial Environments - IP67
from 12,74Additional information
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Configuration: A Male to A Male (Circular Coupling)  ·  Length: 6.56"" (2.00m)  ·  Shielding: Shielded  ·  Style: Industrial Environments - IP67
from 6,91
from 12,44
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17-200551ConecCONN USB PATCH CORD 3M IP67
Configuration: A Male to A Male (Circular Coupling)  ·  Length: 9.84"" (3.00m)  ·  Shielding: Shielded  ·  Style: Industrial Environments - IP67
from 14,93Additional information
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17-200411ConecCONN USB PATCH CORD 3M IP67
Configuration: A Male to A Male (Circular Coupling)  ·  Length: 9.84"" (3.00m)  ·  Shielding: Shielded  ·  Style: Industrial Environments - IP67
from 30,29Additional information
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17-200521ConecCONN USB PATCH CORD 3M IP67
Configuration: A Male to A Male (Circular Coupling)  ·  Length: 9.84"" (3.00m)  ·  Shielding: Shielded  ·  Style: Industrial Environments - IP67
from 12,74Additional information
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17-200241ConecCONN USB PATCH CORD 3M IP67
Configuration: A Male to A Male (Circular Coupling)  ·  Length: 9.84"" (3.00m)  ·  Shielding: Shielded  ·  Style: Industrial Environments - IP67
from 12,46Additional information
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17-200391ConecCONN USB PATCH CORD 4.5M IP67
Configuration: A Male to A Male (Circular Coupling)  ·  Length: 14.76"" (4.50m)  ·  Shielding: Shielded  ·  Style: Industrial Environments - IP67
from 22,59Additional information
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17-200291ConecCONN USB PATCH CORD 3M IP67
Configuration: A Male to A Male (Circular Coupling)  ·  Length: 9.84"" (3.00m)  ·  Shielding: Shielded  ·  Style: Industrial Environments - IP67
from 14,66Additional information
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17-200381ConecCONN USB PATCH CORD 3M IP67
Configuration: A Male to A Male (Circular Coupling)  ·  Length: 9.84"" (3.00m)  ·  Shielding: Shielded  ·  Style: Industrial Environments - IP67
from 20,40Additional information
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17-200311ConecCONN USB PATCH CORD 4.5M IP67
Configuration: A Male to A Male (Circular Coupling)  ·  Length: 14.76"" (4.50m)  ·  Shielding: Shielded  ·  Style: Industrial Environments - IP67
from 16,96Additional information
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17-200531ConecCONN USB PATCH CORD 4.5M IP67
Configuration: A Male to A Male (Circular Coupling)  ·  Length: 14.76"" (4.50m)  ·  Shielding: Shielded  ·  Style: Industrial Environments - IP67
from 14,93Additional information
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17-200421ConecCONN USB PATCH CORD 4.5M IP67
Configuration: A Male to A Male (Circular Coupling)  ·  Length: 14.76"" (4.50m)  ·  Shielding: Shielded  ·  Style: Industrial Environments - IP67
from 32,61Additional information
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17-200281ConecCONN USB PATCH CORD 2M IP67
Configuration: A Male to A Male (Circular Coupling)  ·  Length: 6.56"" (2.00m)  ·  Shielding: Shielded  ·  Style: Industrial Environments - IP67
from 12,59Additional information
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17-200371ConecCONN USB PATCH CORD 2M IP67
Configuration: A Male to A Male (Circular Coupling)  ·  Length: 6.56"" (2.00m)  ·  Shielding: Shielded  ·  Style: Industrial Environments - IP67
from 15,76Additional information
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17-200541ConecCONN USB PATCH CORD 2M IP67
Configuration: A Male to A Male (Circular Coupling)  ·  Length: 6.56"" (2.00m)  ·  Shielding: Shielded  ·  Style: Industrial Environments - IP67
from 13,39Additional information
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17-200561ConecCONN USB PATCH CORD 4.5M IP67
Configuration: A Male to A Male (Circular Coupling)  ·  Length: 14.76"" (4.50m)  ·  Shielding: Shielded  ·  Style: Industrial Environments - IP67
from 17,25Additional information
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