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AD12401-326KWS — IC ADC 12BIT 326MSPS 120-PIN MOD

Manufacturer: Analog Devices  •  Number of Bits: 12  •  Sampling Rate (Per Second): 326M  •  Data Interface: Parallel  •  Number of Converters: 2  •  Power Dissipation (Max): 6.8W  •  Voltage Supply Source: Analog and Digital  •  Operating Temperature: 0°C ~ 60°C  •  Package / Case: Module  •  Number of Inputs and Type: 1 Single-Ended, Unipolar

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Suppliers of «AD12401-326KWS»

SupplierPart NoManufacturerPriceStock
Acme Chip Technology Co.,LimitedAD12401-326KWSAnalog Devices, Inc. 4416
ООО "Интегральные схемы"AD12401-326KWS from 7 days
AspectAD12401-326KWS from 7 days

Company Information

Acme Chip Technology Co.,LimitedShenZhen(86) 189023151210  0 Hide
AspectSt. Petersburg+7 (812) 309-89-320  0 Hide
ООО "Интегральные схемы"St. Petersburg+7 (812) 448-53-820  0 Hide
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