15ns; 3.3V; 256K x 16 high-speed CMOS static RAM Others with the same file for datasheet: IC61LV2568-10K, IC61LV2568-10KI, IC61LV2568-10T, IC61LV2568-10TI, ...
IC61LV2568-15K datasheet, IC61LV2568-15K pdf, IC61LV2568-15K data sheet, datasheet, data sheet, pdf, ICSI, 15ns; 3.3V; 256K x 16 high-speed CMOS static RAM.
Partname: IC61LV2568-15KI. Description: 15ns; 3.3V; 256K x 16 high-speed CMOS static RAM. Manufacturer: Package: SOJ. Pins: 44. Oper. temp.: -40 to 85.
Part Number, IC61LV2568 ; Manufacturer, Integrated Circuit Solution (www.icsi.com.tw) ; Note, 256K x 8 Hight Speed SRAM with 3.3V ; Function, Asynchronous SRAM ...
FEATURES. • High-speed access times: — 8, 10, 12 and 15 ns. • High-preformance, lower-power CMOS process. • Multiple center power and ground pins for.
IC61LV2568-15KI, in Stock/Available Same day Shipping on stock items. Call 516-809-7960 get price, and delivery or Request a quote through email. Find obsolete ...
Datasheets for 16 H ; 279, IC61LV2568-12TI, 12ns; 3.3V; 256K x 16 high-speed CMOS static RAM ; 280, IC61LV2568-15K, 15ns; 3.3V; 256K x 16 high-speed CMOS static ...
Datasheets for 6 H ; 297, IC61LV2568-15KI, 15ns; 3.3V; 256K x 16 high-speed CMOS static RAM ; 298, IC61LV2568-15T, 15ns; 3.3V; 256K x 16 high-speed CMOS static ...
Buy part IC61LV256815KI of Others. Purchasing Management 360 is certified aviation, electronics, connectors, IT hardware and computer memory parts ...