A companion device, the D2547P high-power DFB laser module, is also designed for use with a lithium niobate external modulator, but without the ...
Jul 2, 2001 · The D2587P-Type DFB laser module is designed for use with an external lithium niobate modulator and also in applications where high power ...
Datasheets for ISOLA ; 3188, D2587P913, Wavelength-Selected High-Power D2587P-Type (with Wavelength Locker)/D2547P-Type Isolated DFB Laser Modules ; 3189 ...
Datasheets for WAVE ; 3310, D2587P913, Wavelength-Selected High-Power D2587P-Type (with Wavelength Locker)/D2547P-Type Isolated DFB Laser Modules, Agere Systems.
All Datasheets from D2587P31 to DCR0121SF64 - Datasheet Catalog search site for Electronic Components and Semiconductors, integrated circuits, diodes, ...
D2587P913 : Wavelength-selected High-power D2587P-Type (with Wavelength Locker) / D2547P-Type ISOlated DFB Laser Module. DNCM00 : FPGA/PLD Soft Core 10 Mbit ...
D2587P913 Agere - Wavelength-Selected High-Power D2587P-Type (with Wavelength Locker)/D2547P-Type Isolated DFB Laser Modules; D2587P9135 Agere - Wavelength ...
D2587P913 Wavelength-Selected High-Power D2587P-Type (with Wavelength Locker)/D2547P-Type Isolated DFB Laser Modules - Agere Systems; D2587P9135 Wavelength ...
D2587P913 · AGERE-D2587P913 Datasheet 122Kb/14P, Wavelength-Selected High-Power D2587P-Type (with Wavelength Locker)/D2547P-Type Isolated DFB Laser Modules.
D2587P913, D3899942GF35JN, DEUEB21E, DS1265Y100IND. D2587P9135, D3899942GF35PA, DEUEN2997SE61006MN, DS1265Y120. D2587P914, D3899942GF35PB, DEUEN2997SE61A ...