#505d28 hex color red value is 80, green value is 93 and the blue value of its RGB is 40. Cylindrical-coordinate representations (also known as HSL) of color # ...
The hexadecimal color #505d28 has RGB values of R:80, G:93, B:40 and CMYK values of C:0.14, M:0, Y:0.57, K:0.64. Its decimal value is 5266728.
Details, datasheet, quote on part number: 505D28. Part, 505D28. Category, Power Management => DC-DC Converters. Description, Input Voltage = 12 ;; Output ...
The hexadecimal code #505D28 corresponds to the color Saratoga. Surely you have seen this color in many different designs. RGB color code This color is made ...
Description. Nominal Input: 28 VDC - Output1: 5 VDC Output2: -5 VDC, 0.5 A - Total Power: 5 W. Request a Quote. * indicates a required field.
505D28. Color hexadecimal code: #505D28. Color decimal values: rgb(80, 93, 40). Color percentage: rgb(31%, 36%, 16%). Show Color. Inverted color for #505D28.
The 500 series is a family of compact, high performance, low noise 5W DC/DC converters. High performance features include 1000 VDC input/output isolation, ...
505D28 · MAKE-PS-505D28 Datasheet 193Kb/4P, Single & Dual Output DC/DC Converter. Search Partnumber : Start with "505D28" - Total : 115 ( 1/6 Page). logo. Make- ...
... 505D28, 512D48, 515D48. 6, PDF, 600H, 615D28H, 612D48H, 605D5H, 612D5H, 615D5H, 605D12H, 612D2H, 615D12H, 605D18H, 612D18H, 615D18H, 605D24H, 612D24H, 615D24H ...
We're pleased to announce that part number 505D28 is now available and in stock. This part is described as Other Connectors manufactured by Powerone. You can ...