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FPD Design Group

FPD Design Group


LCDPanels.com is a stocking distributor of LCD's, electroluminescent displays, touchscreens, inverters, and other display related electronics. We carry over $5,000,000 USD worth of displays across over 4,000 models -as well as providing testings and repair services.

Specialization: LCD's, touchscreens, inverters, electroluminescent displays, polarizer repair, backlight replacement

Regions: worldwide

Minimal RFQ: $50 USD

  • USA,
    7719 Edison Avenue
    Phone: (01) 909-355-3200, Fax: (01) 909-782-2203
    E-mail: sales@lcdpanels.com
Visits this card: 2387
Visits the company web-site: 517

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